Timber Trail Transport

National Park Village Tours


Welcome to Timber Trail Shuttles & Bike Hire for everything Timber Trail. Our packages include everything you need for a fun filled experience offering: accommodation, meals, transport, mountain bike/ebike hire for beginners to pro's, families, groups or walkers.

Location & Directions

26 Ongarue-Waimiha Road, Ongarue, 3997, New Zealand

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations must be made in writing and sent to info@timbertrailshuttles.com or
Timber Trail Transport Ltd, 26 Ongarue-Waimiha Road, Ongarue, New Zealand.

Cancellation fees for all adventures are charged on the following basis per person:

Within 24 hours of booking arrival date: 100% of booking is forfeited
Within 1 – 20 days of booking arrival date: booking able to be transferred to another booking within 6 months of booking date.
Prior to 21 days of booking arrival date: your payment is refunded in full.

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